English Country dancing is the direct ancestor of contra dance and is still very much alive today, with newly composed dances constantly entering the repertoire.
Compared to contra, ECD offers much greater variety in musical styles, dance formations, and dance styling. It can also be more challenging than contra, and dancers who dance both ECD and contra find that their contra dance skills improve thanks to the skills practiced in ECD.
Click on the image to read a short history of English country dancing (opens in a new tab).
For many of us who love ECD, the music is an important reason why. You'll dance to popular tunes from the 1500s to tunes written by today's tunesmiths .
Dance Videos
There are many videos of modern English Country dance on the web. You might start with the Introduction to ECD video made by a station in Vancouver. Paul Ross's Childgrove channel on YouTube has many excellent videos, and the Lambertville Country Dancers maintain a long page with links to hundreds of videos.
Experienced English dancers might enjoy this bit of ECD humor: A Reading from the Books of Barnes, a skit performed at Pinewoods English Week in 2002. (The Barnes books are collections of ECD tunes.) How many dance names can you recognize?
HATDS English dances are held on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays from 2:45-5:20 pm at Dauntless Dance Studio, 3221 Houston Ave, 77009. There are some exceptions; see the schedule on our Google calendar. You can also subscribe to the HATDS ECD mailing list to stay up to date.
The 1st and 3rd Sunday dances are open to all. The 5th Sunday dances are usually, but not always, for advanced dancers.
All dances are taught and prompted and are done to recorded music.
Dress casually and comfortably. Please do not wear street shoes to dance in.
For more detailed HATDS policies, tap the button below.
The $10 admission is used to pay the rent. Cash, credit cards, and digital wallets are accepted.
HATDS membership is not required. However, please consider becoming a member. Membership dues support our general administrative and operating expenses.
Location, Policies, and Prices
All HATDS regular dances are open to the public and are currently held at Dauntless Dance & Movement, 3221 Houston Ave, 77009.
No membership is required,
No prior dance experience is required,
No partner is required,
All dances are taught and called.
Health related:
Attend at your own risk.
Do not attend if you are not feeling well.
Masks are welcomed but not required.
Do not attend our dances smelling of alcohol, smoke, or fragrances.
Young dancers:
Children 13 and younger must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Teens 14-17 may attend on their own but must provide an emergency phone number for a responsible adult.
To protect the floor and keep the space clean:
Do not wear street shoes for dancing. Bring clean, low-heel shoes that will not scuff or damage the floor, or dance in stocking feet.
You may bring water in closed containers—there's no water fountain. No other beverages are allowed.
You may bring snacks but they must be consumed outside.
Photography / Social Media
During the dance we often take photographs and make video recordings for HATDS' use for promotional purposes. We are going to assume that you are okay with this. If for some reason you don't want your image used in our promotional materials, please let us know so we can remove the images in a reasonable time.
Contra dances: $10 for members, $15 for non-members.
English Country dances: $10 for members and non-members alike.
Kids younger than 18 are free. Be sure to see the minors policy above.
Cash, credit cards, and digital wallets are accepted at the door. If paying cash, please bring correct change. No large bills accepted.
Special events have their own pricing structure.
Note: Admission prices cover only the cost of producing a specific dance, such as hall rent and talent payments. Membership dues support the additional administrative costs of HATDS. Although membership is not required for dance attendance, please consider becoming a member. Tap here to join.
For a listing and links to non-HATDS groups, see our schedules page.
Set for Spring
Set for Spring is the English country dance weekend that rotates between cities in Texas and Oklahoma. It usually takes place in March.
For the web site of the next or most recent event, go to SetForSpring.org. For a history of Set for Spring, click here.
Houston dancers at the Saturday evening dance at Set for Spring 2024 in Austin. Photo by Lee Dixon.
I know of no better image for the ideal of a beautiful society than a well executed English dance, composed of many complicated figures and turns. A spectator located on the balcony observes an infinite variety of criss-crossing motions which keep decisively but arbitrarily changing directions without ever colliding with each other. Everything has been arranged in such a manner that each dancer has already vacated his position by the time the other arrives. Everything fits so skillfully, yet so spontaneously, that everyone seems to be following his own lead, without ever getting in anyone’s way. Such a dance is the perfect symbol of one’s own individually asserted freedom as well as of one’s respect for the freedom of the other.
~ Friedrich Schiller, from Kallias, or On the Beautiful.