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Houston Area Traditional Dance Society

Houston Area Traditional Dance Society

Board Handbook: Offices and Duties

This page has two major sections:

1. Officers required by the bylaws

2. Other officers and positions

A third section lists positions that we used to have, but don't currently.

Current Officers

Current officers, committee chairs, and selected other volunteers are listed on the About HATDS page on

The Who What Where document (in Dropbox / Board Policies and Procedures) lists jobs that don't have officer status and who does those jobs. Who What Where probably needs to be updated each June.

I. Required Officers


The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Corporation, and in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Corporation. He/she shall preside at all Meetings of the Board of Directors. (5.03)

The President creates the agenda for the board and membership meetings with input from the other directors and (optionally) using the template in the Dropbox Board Documents by Year subfolder. See the document named Procedure for Recording Meetings for guidelines.

The President presides over board meetings, leads the discussion of the agenda items, and keeps discussions on point and/or mediates discussion between board members.

The President also presides over membership meetings, following essentially the same procedures as for board meetings. The President usually does announcements at the contra dances but any director can do that, using the KISS form available at the door.

All directors receive the emails sent to Unless someone else is appointed to do so, the President responds to legitimate emails and informs the other directors of his/her response.

Vice President

In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President (or in the event there be more than one Vice President, the Vice Presidents in order of their election) shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. (5.04)

Board members who don't have other specific titles are often given the title of Vice-President, but one person should be designated as First VP.


The Treasurer shall keep current and accurate financial records with complete entries of each financial transaction of the Corporation, and shall submit a statement of financial condition to the Board of Directors at their Regular Board Meetings and to the Membership yearly. (5.05)

A detailed list of duties:

  • Monthly Financial Report at board Meetings. See the document named Procedure for Recording Meetings for guidelines.
  • Annual Financial Report to Members
  • Sales Tax filing to State of Texas
  • Franchise Tax Filing to State of Texas
  • E-card submitted to IRS
  • Checks as required for operations and reimbursements
  • Annual Financial Statements:
    • Balance sheet
    • Income/Expense Statement
    • High level summary of year’s finances, something such as the following
      Grand Summary FY 2016-2017
      Memberships and Donations$1,856
      Net Contra Dance Profit/Loss$51
      Net ECD Profit/Loss$32
      Bayou Bedlam Profit/Loss$1,028
      Other Revenue Received$110
      Administrative Costs not otherwise included($774)
      Total Profit/Loss 6/1/16 – 5/31/17$2,303
  • Quarterly Income/Expense reports for Contra and ECD groups
  • Bank deposits
  • Upload bank statements to Dropbox
  • Maintain/store current financial records
  • Receive and check dance finance sheets, cash and applications received at dances
  • Maintain "refresh" fund for cash box
  • Storage of past financial records
  • Assist committee bookkeepers as required
  • Receive emails from IRS (Compliance Officer also receives these)

Requires secure internet access and a printer (black and white is fine).

The Treasurer's job is possibly the most labor intensive of all the required positions, as it requires constant and accurate updating of the corporation's financial records and regular reports to the board.


The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Meetings of the Board of Directors and Meetings of the Members. The Secretary shall include in the minutes of the next Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors a summary of all discussions and decisions made by the Board via email or other electronic means since the last Meeting. (5.06)

A very important position that also requires responsibility and good spelling, grammar, and note-taking skills. See the Minutes page in this handbook for details and procedures.

The President and Secretary can not be the same person (5.01 and State Law).

II. Other Officers and Positions

Communications Coordinator

The communications coordinator is the board's liaison with the webmaster and the listmaster. This person also sends text messages on behalf of the Board using our SMS interface (pass phrase required).


  • Work with the email coordinator (the listmaster) on the content and scheduling of HATDS email blasts.
  • Send a PDF of approved board meeting reports to the listmaster.
  • Coordinate the submission of other articles from board members for inclusion in emails or on the website.
  • Create an annual schedule for the dance reminder emails with submission deadlines and send dates, and share it with the board and listmaster.
  • Send important announcements that need to be posted on the website or social media to the people managing those platforms.
  • Communicate events that need to be posted to the public calender to the person managing the Google calendar.
  • Use the SMS interface on the HATDS website to send text messages on the schedule the Board dictates.


  • Have word processing software and the ability to save in Portable Document Format.
  • Subscribe to HATDS text messages.

Compliance Officer

This is a very important position and should be filled by a board member. A report/update from the Compliance Officer is needed at every board meeting.


  • Ensure that the board of directors complies with the HATDS Bylaws.
  • Ensure that the board complies with the HATDS Timeline. The Compliance Officer also maintains and updates the Timeline Activity Log as necessary.
  • Ensure that the board complies with state and federal laws and rules that apply to a 501(c)3 non-profit such as HATDS.


  • Be able to read and understand a simple legal document (the bylaws).
  • Have a spreadsheet program and be able to edit a simple spreadsheet (the Timeline Activity Log).
  • Have editing access to our Dropbox folder.
  • Have and regularly check an email account.


The Compliance Officer

  • should be very familiar with the HATDS Bylaws and either bring a copy to board meetings or be able to quickly access them online at
  • updates the Timeline Activity Log as actions occur, and ensures upcoming required actions on the Timeline Activity Log are discussed in board meetings (there is a standing agenda item for this).
  • reminds responsible parties of action items to be completed.
  • confirms that action items required on the Timeline have been completed by responsible parties and report compliance as part of the board meeting report.
  • updates the Timeline Master Activity List (and Activity Log) as needed to reflect new actions to be added and existing actions to edit or delete.
  • scans the emails sent by the IRS to non-profits, looking for information and rule changes that affect HATDS or its non-profit status. Brings any rule changes to the attention of the board.

Almost all of the IRS emails are not relevant to us, but complacency is what got us into trouble before (see History, next) and without due diligence it could happen again.

The treasurer also receives the IRS emails. It's a good idea for the compliance officer to check with the treasurer if there's any question about the relevance of an IRS email. Please don't assume that the treasurer actually read the same email!

HATDS files a version of Form 990 each year. Changes affecting that form deserve attention and consultation with the treasurer. Remember that HATDS has no employees so information regarding health insurance and salary reporting can be ignored.

Here is an example of the IRS emails .


This position was formed by the 2014-15 board in response to HATDS losing its non-profit status due to not filing a required form after the IRS changed its rules. It cost us $850 and hours of volunteer work to regain that status.

The position was also formed because no procedure was in place for checking—much less maintaining—the HATDS timeline of critical events, or making sure that the board complied with the timeline or bylaws. Anybody could have done those things, but too often Nobody did.

Membership Coordinator

Kendall Rogers wrote an excellent, detailed guide for the Membership Coordinator. There is an updated version online at

The Membership Coordinator does not need to be a board member, but should be someone who attends dances frequently. They also need to own and be an intermediate-level user of spreadsheet and word processing programs.

Requires secure internet access and access to a printer (black and white is fine).

Supplies Manager

This person keeps tracks of all HATDS consumables such as cups, plates, napkins, etc. When something is running low, the supplies manager purchases the items and is reimbursed (board approval may be required for larger purchases), or coordinates with the Treasurer for online bulk purchases using a debit card.

A list of supplies the Supplies Manager manages:

  • Cups
  • Plates
  • Napkins
  • Utensils
  • Press-on Name tags
  • Dance finance sheets*
  • Dance Sign-in sheets
  • Batteries for sound equipment
  • Name tag card blanks (business card size)
  • HATDS Business cards
  • Laminator pouches (business card size)
  • Magnets
  • Envelopes
  • Postage
  • Pens/Sharpies
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Paper towels
  • Membership forms*
  • Announcement forms*
  • Door helper signup form*

*Found in Dropbox; copies of these need to be printed and brought to the dance when supplies are low.

Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for keeping SignUp Genius updated, making sure that the most important jobs are covered (such as door manager), and soliciting and training new volunteers for the door manager, hall manager, and kitchen manager jobs. The volunteer coordinator does not need to manage the sound techs.

Sign Up Genius is being used to

  • publicize the jobs that need to be done at each dance,
  • hopefully eliminate the need for a person twisting arms, and
  • make signing up to help very, very easy.

See the Volunteer Coordinator page for detailed procedures.

The following don't currently exist (May 2020):

Events Coordinator or Committee

Some boards have produced the occasional theme dance (ice cream social, St. Patrick's, Halloween, hats for HATDS' birthday, etc). An Events Committee or an individual could be recruited to develop and promote those special dances.

An events committee could also help coordinate larger infrequent events such as double dances with potluck dinner, workshops, and special dances or concerts with visiting artists.

Historian / Archivist

We have a fair amount of old flyers and newsletters. It would be great to get those organized and digitized.

Newsletter Editor

We used to have real newsletters , but unless someone is passionate about producing a newsletter, including soliciting and writing articles, newsletters are likely to remain a thing of the past.

A Sense of Community

No, this isn't an office, but it's something that hopefully is on the agenda of every HATDS Board of Directors. Having a newsletter (not just an dance reminder), a volunteer coordinator (and many volunteers), dance themes and special events, and distributing a timely report of board meetings (now required by our bylaws) all promote a sense of community, something HATDS had at one time and has since lost. Many people see our dances only as a commodity rather than a community they can be involved with.